Wednesday, May 18, 2011

National Conference of Catholic Bishops: It Was All That Permissiveness, That's All

A study commissioned by the Catholic church which is being released to today, entitled “The Causes and Contexts of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010.” concludes it was all that 60s and 70s permissiveness that caused the clergy sex abuse scandals.  At the link you can read the Washington Post's take on the report.  According to Michael Boorstein, a reporter at the Post, the commissioned research concludes that the scandals were "a temporary problem caused by poorly trained seminarians, bishops who focused too little on victims and a permissive culture in the 1960s and 1970s that saw the rise of divorce, marijuana experimentation and robbery."   This is, of course garbage.  The report for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) is historically wrong but precisely the sort of thing those of us who pioneered the exposure of this scandal of come to expect.  It's just another outrage.

At the link, the reponse of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP.) 


  1. I dunno, BL. Are they saying that the priests were rolling doobs and getting high? Were they getting stoned and then going out to stage robberies? This is alarming. This may require corroborating studies by the Test Positive Institute before I believe anything.

  2. yes, my friend it was all bad week...which explainst the cover up, too!

  3. The manipulation by the ressearchers at John Jay College of definitions and premises demonstrate the truism that there's no lying like lying with statistics.

  4. It's really discouraging. That the church will sanction this research into causes of the abuse concluding afterall that there were no causes. It's just so typical. Hey, Bad Lawyer look at Times today for picture of Barbara Blaine of SNAP placing pictures of abuse victims, though there is better newspaper articles on the John Jay Univ research than in the Times. Thanks for caring.

  5. Heard from Iron Mike last night. He looked back on those years and now somehow feels responsible for this whole mess. He sounded sort of inconsolable. Or maybe he was laughing.

  6. That's was all Iron Mike's fault, shoulda of known.

