Thursday, January 21, 2010

Taco Bell Taco Toss

The Anchorage Daily News reports on the drive-thru Taco Bell Taco Tosser (why can't there be a taser in this story?) The ADN story is courtesy of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, in any event this is the tale of taco woe:

"A Fairbanks man who turned his taco into a weapon has been sentenced to $100 in fines, one day in jail and one year probation. 'Warren E. Strickland, 31, of Fairbanks, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct Tuesday for throwing a double-decker taco at a manager of the Taco Bell restaurant,' writes the [Fairbanks] News-Miner. 'Strickland said he was upset during the Jan. 14 incident because a taco contained spit after he had been through the drive-thru twice to correct his order.' The restaurant denies the spit charge and says Strickland was trying to get free food."

The good news, according to the longer version of this story  at is that the terms of probation will keep this poor schmuck from eating that crap for a year. 


  1. he'd a thrown a burrito that truly woulda been epic

  2. wow u r stoopid to throw a taco....
